Member Spotlight - Kara Hermann

Kara Hermann, P.E. is an MEP Specialist at Dome Construction. She currently serves on the Board of Directors and has been a NAWIC member for 12 years. She has worked in the construction industry for over 20 years.

Why did you join NAWIC?

I wanted to expand my network. At the time, I did not know many people in the industry outside of my coworkers. Now I have a large network and even found my current job through my NAWIC connections!

What is your favorite memory with NAWIC?

I wrote a song "Hard Hatted Woman" and had the opportunity to play it at Annual Conference in Portland in front of 500 people - it is the most courageous thing I have done! The encouragement I got from my NAWIC friends still inspires me today!

What do you love about working in construction?

I love the people! The people I work with on a daily basis are some of the smartest, hard working people I know. The complexities of the Life Sciences projects that we work on require a team mindset. We set our differences aside and come together for a common vision. It is hard work but so rewarding and the people make it fun and worthwhile!

Anything else you would like people to know about you?

I love songwriting, playing my ukulele and performing for anyone who will listen. My absolute favorite thing to do is to be in the recording studio, creating music and collaborating with talented musicians.