Member Spotlight - Dalia Lillaheart

Dalia Lillaheart is a Project Executive at Mission Bell and has been a member for 1.5 years. She has been working in the construction industry for 20 years.

Why did you join NAWIC?

When in college I first learned of prominent women in the construction industry, like Zaha Hadid, it really opened my eyes to possibility. And as part of the LGBTQ+ community, I know how vital representation is; I think it’s important for everyone who can to step up in their own way.

What is your favorite event with NAWIC?

My favorite event so far was last year’s joint venture with WiOPS, a presentation about imposter syndrome by Barbara Jackson. The room was very lively and I had conversations with many wonderful women both before and after the presentation.

What advice do you have for Women who are new in Construction?

Continuous education (not necessarily school but simply curiosity): this is an ever-changing and evolving industry and the greatest tool you can have is to stay up to date. Don’t try and check all the boxes: it’s ok if you don’t know a thing or two. There’s always fun in learning and in collaborating with others who can share their wealth of knowledge.

Anything else you would like people to know about you or NAWIC?

I have the cutest and coolest husky in the Bay Area and if anyone thinks otherwise, well sure, I may be biased. I love to go to soccer games (go Bay FC!) and explore Northern California in my spare time because I only moved here a few years ago. I may seem serious at first but I’m a goofball at heart. Whether you’re new to the construction industry or a seasoned professional, NAWIC is a great way to find support, community, and mentorship.