Member Spotlight - Alyanna Espina

Alyanna Espina works as a Project Manager at Bell Electrical Supply. She has been a member since October 2021 and currently on the Board of Directors. She has been working in the construction industry for over 5 years.

Why did you join NAWIC?

I joined NAWIC to network and make meaningful connections with like-minded women in Silicon Valley. I wanted to learn more about women's different roles and work in the industry. My job in electrical distribution is only a tiny sliver of the pie, and I wanted to see the bigger picture from peers with more industry experience. When you hear of construction, most people don't automatically think of women; the goal of NAWIC is to change that view!

Why do you keep participating with NAWIC?

I enjoy participating because of the personal and professional relationships I've gained in NAWIC. It is a fantastic organization; everyone is supportive and eager to help. I look forward to our monthly workshops and learning best practices from experts in the industry. Not only that, but we also like to have fun! My favorite event was the vision board-making night at Daley's Drywall this past January.

What do you love about working in construction?

It's a vast industry with many avenues for growth and opportunities. I love working with people from different walks of life. Plus, it's super cool to see a structure being built, knowing that you were part of the process.

Anything else you want to share about yourself personally?

I love being active! Whether it's hiking, running, practicing yoga, or lifting weights. This winter season, I learned how to ski. On one of my snow trips, I ran into one of our members, Amy Pacheco! I also love cooking and gardening.